Friday 22 May 2009

The morning after

After setting up my blog last night in a wave of enthusiasm and confusion, I now have that familiar but unpleasant morning after feeling of 'oh no, maybe I shouldn't have done that.' It's not that I don't want a blog, I do, but the name, the purpose...

Anyway, I am a worrier so the name will stick. But what I really want to do with this is write, put feelings and thoughts to page and generally just observe and post. Being in the communications business I am of course like many others a frustrated writer, and now I can submit my ramblings to the ether forever...

What I'm interested in this morning is why people react so differently to the same topic or problem. Why do so many of us look at an email, a situation, or hear a conversation and immediately think the worst or start panicking? Are we just programmed to be that way? Or is it something we've experienced; is it past bad memories that make us panic so dramatically? Sometimes I'd love to be one of those gloriously laid back people who can always look at a situation and just say 'oh it's fine, it will all blow over.' It must be nice not to tense up and imagine the worst all the time. But other times I realise why I am the way I am; I think I just really like the drama, deep down.

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